Moraga Stairs and Grand View Park

When the street ends, the Moraga Stairs climb upwards in a dazzling display. The face of the steps have been decorated with a huge mosaic stretching from top to bottom, from the sun and moon to the depths of the sea.
Moraga 1601019
Atop the stairs,there is another climb to the top of Grand View Park, the highest point in The Sunset. The view may not be as spectacular as other points in the city offer, but it is nonetheless impressive.
Grand View 1601014
See the pictures here.
And here.


A class I am taking at the Harvey Milk Photography Center is composed mostly of urban photographers. That is, they shoot mostly people and city scenery. I seem to be the only one who shoots nature in macro. Thus, I was inspired to try a few brick & mortar city shots. Likely, there will be more. I like people waiting at a bus stop. Broken asphalt is interesting. I used to think that beauty and ugly were on a continuum, but that is wrong. Beauty and ugly are sides of the same coin. The continuum is from beauty to blandness. From interesting to insignificant. From inspiring to soporific. See the photos here.