Bark Macros

Before I defined macro as it relates to equipment. I called macro only images photographed with extension tubes or lens reversing ring. Using the traditional definition (anything greater than 1:1), most of what I do is macro. Here is the latest batch of bark photographs. See the pictures here.Bark 15225

Waiting for the Bus

As a bus rider, I watch the others closely. So many people don’t know how to ride a bus. They don’t sit, but stand in such a way that the seat beside them is nearly inaccessible. They cluster in the front or by the back door, leaving seats and space in the rear. Little do they know that the cool people ride in the back. They wear their backpacks while standing, essentially doubling their size. They are toting so many packages that they block the doors or passageway. Strollers are permitted on buses here, and some parents make no effort not to inconvenience others. Then, there are the people who sit facing forward in the seats that face the center. They all look so innocent in the photos. See the pictures.
Bus Stop 1503002

Bark Macro

After reviewing my collection, I decided that I really like these bark macros. The shapes and lines encourage your brain to see patterns and faces. I like the colors and architecture. Some look like wild canyons and deep valleys. Mostly, though, I like that I have found a photographic niche of my own. I haven’t yet found any like-minded photographers. Maybe there is no one nearly as nuts as me. See the pictures here.
Bark 15142