2 thoughts on “Botanical Garden in March

  1. Do you recall those tiny irises (or is it ires or irii) that we saw up in the mountain that that ancient whale had tried to jumped over?  Remember I said I had never seen such tiny flowers in my entire life?  Well this year they popped up in my own garden where I had planted them several years ago!  And there are mini-daffodils, too. The hyacinths in my yard are scrawny looking this year although they had bloomed so spectacularly last year.  I wonder if that is a result of breeding or GM by the garden flower industry?  They produce flowers that grow spectacularly ONE year so that you have to buy new ones each year.  I heard that if you want a heritage tulip you have to pay $25 for ONE bulb which comes up nicely every year.  The new varieties are more beautiful and much cheaper (though not cheap) and need to be considered annuals!  Last fall I planted some exotic bulbs in my yard and had a few extra so I stuck them in my neighbor’s yard.  Not a trace of them in MY yard and the ones in my neighbor’s are doing great. I fly to Hong Kong and then to Bali on the 23rd.  I have a tentative “love connection.” set up.  That is the ORIGINAL (tawdry) meaning of love connection, not the stupid  romantic TV show.  Bali is full of flowers and there are arrangements everywhere.  I put some of the plants outside that I had been harboring inside all winter.  I know I’m pushing the season a bit, but I’m so horny for the spring.  I think it will be OK.  The ones I put in the window box on the porch look nice from a distance, though not so great close up.    rcc

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