1 thought on “Birds Gone Mild

  1. Sure do miss you, SF, all the gorgeous walking areas and of course the magnificent SF birds! Hey are you batting down the hatches with this wild storm? Looks like we will get the tail end of it.

    Doing some dental stuff today, happy, happy joy!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep smiling!!!!!!

    At least I’m not Jeffory who fell off a high ladder attempting to assist an elderly couple wash their windows (in Hawaii), & fell off. He managed to break his foot (shattered), his wrist (has a full cast on arm & leg) and 3rd vertebra of his back. He was in the hospital for 3 weeks and his girlfriend flew in a month early from Austria to help him, move him into a more suitable place and she will be conducting the hiking tours & seminars they were supposed to do together. Things can always become more challenging, eh?

    Cheer & Grace

    The Cosmic Kids

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